- bead sight
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Сборный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Сборный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
ring and bead sight — A rudimentary gun sight in which the pilot or aimer aligns the target with a bead foresight and the correct part of the ring back sight for the required aim off … Aviation dictionary
bead — i. A rounded ridge at the end of a tube for carrying fluids into aircraft. ii. The high strength carbon steel wire bundles that give strength and stiffness to aircraft tires. iii. The unwanted ridge of filler metal that sticks up above the… … Aviation dictionary
bead — [bēd] n. [ME bede, prayer, prayer bead < OE bed < biddan, to pray, ask: see BID1] 1. a small, usually round piece of glass, wood, metal, etc., pierced for stringing 2. [pl.] ROSARY (sense 1a) 3. [pl.] a string of beads; necklace … English World dictionary
sight — n 1. vision, eyesight, eyes. 2. range or field of vision, eyeshot, eyereach, ken, view; gaze, look; inspection, scrutiny. 3. glimpse, brief look, look, glance, Fr. apercu, Scot. glisk, Fr. coup d oeil, Inf. once over, Inf. looksee, Sl. gander,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
bead — beadlike, adj. /beed/, n. 1. a small, usually round object of glass, wood, stone, or the like with a hole through it, often strung with others of its kind in necklaces, rosaries, etc. 2. beads, a. a necklace of beads: You don t have your beads on … Universalium
bead — n. front sight to draw a bead on * * * [biːd] [ front sight ] to draw a bead on … Combinatory dictionary
bead — {{11}}bead (n.) mid 14c., bede prayer bead, from O.E. gebed prayer, with intensive or collective prefix *ge + P.Gmc. *bidjan to pray, entreat (Cf. M.Du. bede, O.H.G. beta, Ger. bitte, Goth. bida prayer, request ), from PIE *gwhedh to ask, pray … Etymology dictionary
bead — [[t]bid[/t]] n. 1) jew a small, usu. round object of glass, wood, stone, or the like with a hole through it, often strung with others of its kind in necklaces, rosaries, etc 2) beads a) jew a necklace of beads b) a rosary 3) any small globular or … From formal English to slang
bead — I. noun Etymology: Middle English bede prayer, prayer bead, from Old English bed, gebed prayer; akin to Old English biddan to entreat, pray more at bid Date: before 12th century 1. a. obsolete prayer usually used in plural b. plural a series of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bead — /bid / (say beed) noun 1. a small ball of glass, pearl, wood, etc., with a hole through it, strung with others like it, and used as an ornament or in a rosary. 2. (plural) a necklace. 3. (plural) a rosary. 4. any small globular or cylindrical… …
bead — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. drop; pellet, ball. See rotundity. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A small globule] Syn. drop, droplet, bubble, globule, pellet, grain, particle, speck, dot, dab, pea, shot, pill, spherule, driblet; see also… … English dictionary for students